Quick Start

Payabbhi enables payments acceptance for your online business simply and easily as described below.

Step 1: Sign-up

Sign-up for a Payabbhi Account

You just need a valid email ID to sign up and experience all available features in test mode.

Step 2.1: Submit Account Activation Request

You can submit an Account Activation request at Portal > My Account to Go Live.

This step is related to Business and Legal aspects of processing live transactions.

Read more about Account Activation process

Step 2.2: Technical Integration

You can start integrating the Payments Acceptance workflow with your App/Website, following our Integration Guide.

You may wish to use our Client Libraries , Mobile SDKs (Android / iOS) or Shopping Cart Plugins.

Refer to live demo to experience Payabbhi Checkout.

Step 3: Go Live

Once live mode is enabled for your account, just replace Test API keys with Live API keys in your code.

Now you should be ready to process live transactions.

Refer to Go Live Checklist.

You may want to read more about:

  1. Payabbhi Account
  2. Account Activation process
  3. API keys
  4. Live and Test modes
  5. Sandbox
  6. FAQ