Sandbox refers to the Payabbhi Platform in test mode
It is a replica of the Production environment except that transactions here are not live. Refer to Live and Test modes.
This allows you to integrate your code with Payabbhi Platform in test mode and then Go Live by just replacing the Test API Keys
with Live API Keys
Test Card Numbers
We discourage use of real card information in our test environment. Use the card numbers listed below to test out your application while you are still in test mode.
For Checkout flows in test mode, use the test cards given below:
Card Number | Card Brand |
4242 4242 4242 4242 |
Visa |
4111 1111 1111 1111 |
Visa |
5555 5555 5555 4444 |
Mastercard |
For Expiry Date use any valid future date and for CVV use any 3 digit number.