
Anatomy of an Invoice

Merchant Detail

Attribute   Description  
Business Display Name Business display name of the Merchant issuing the invoice.
Business Logo Business Logo of the Merchant issuing the invoice.
Registered Address Registered address of Merchant’s business.
Business GSTIN GSTIN of Merchant’s business.

Customer Detail

Attribute   Description  
Bill To Name of the Customer who should pay this invoice.
GSTIN GSTIN of customer’s business. This is applicable only if the customer is a registered entity.
Billing Address Postal address of the customer to which the bill or invoice should be sent.
Shipping Address Shipping Address of the customer to which the product would be delivered.

Line Item Detail

Attribute   Description  
SL No Serial No. of the line item.
Description Description of the line item.
Quantity Quantity of the line item.
Rate Rate of the line item.
Amount Total amount payable for the line item. This is computed as Rate multiplied by Quantity

Invoice Detail

Attribute   Description  
Invoice No Unique identifier of an invoice.
Invoice Date Date on which an invoice was issued.
Invoice Due Date Date by which the invoice should be paid by the customer.
Description Description of the invoice.
Subscription ID Unique identifier of the subscription, for which this invoice was generated. This is applicable for recurring invoice issued for any subscription.
Billing Period Billing period for which this invoice was generated. This is applicable for recurring invoice issued for any subscription.
Next Billing Date The date on which next invoice would be generated. This is applicable for recurring invoice issued for any subscription.
Total Invoice Value (in figure) Total amount payable for this invoice in figure.
Total Invoice Value (in words) Total amount payable for this invoice in words.

Types of Invoice

Payabbhi supports two types of Invoices:

One-Off Invoice

You may issue an invoice on one-off basis to your customers. This one-off invoice is hosted by Payabbhi and contains a payment link for accepting online payment via Payabbhi payment gateway.

Some business use cases :

  • Small and medium sized boutiques selling products

  • Small and medium sized travel agents

  • Freelancers collecting their fees/charges.

For more details, refer to One-Off Invoice.

Recurring Invoice

This type of invoice is generated automatically on recurring basis at the beginning of every billing cycle of a subscription. The purpose of this invoice is advanced payment for the service to be consumed in the billing cycle. The total amount mentioned in the invoice is the “amount owed”/”payable” by the customer for that billing period.

Payment Collection

You may collect payment for invoices in two ways:

  • Recurring payment
  • Manual payment

Fund disbursement to your bank account will be taken care as per the settlement cycle agreed with you during your Merchant onboarding process.

Recurring Payment

This is applicable for subscription based payments. The recurring invoices are generated and attempted for payment in each billing cycle of a subscription.

If you want to avail this feature, a standing instruction for automatic payment collection needs to be authorized by your customer (coming soon…).

Manual Payment

This is applicable for recurring and one-off invoices both.

  • If the billing_method=manual for a subscription, then an invoice is directly sent to your customer via email in each billing cycle of the subscription. Payabbhi takes care of automating this process on behalf of you.

  • The invoice contains a payment link and your customer can easily click and pay via that payment link.

  • Once clicked, a Merchant branded hosted payment page is presented to the customer for payment.

Hosted Payment Page

This is a payment page hosted by Payabbhi and presented to your customer so that they can review the invoice and pay via Payabhhi online payment gateway at one go.

To know more about available payment methods, refer to Payabbhi Payment Gateway .

No development work/ integration effort is required from your side to avail this feature.

Payabbhi ensures that your customer’s payment experience also echoes the “voice of your brand”. For more details, refer to Customization.


Payabbhi takes care of issuing, sharing via email and attempting to collect payment of invoices via the automatic invoice-management workflow.

Lifecycle of an invoice is described in the table below:

Status   Description  
Issued Once it is created, it is automatically sent to the customer and marked as “issued”. An invoice will remain in this state until it is paid or payment attempted. If the due date has been exceeded, it will be marked as “past_due”.
Paid If an invoice is paid by the due date mentioned in the invoice, it is marked as “paid”.This is the final state of an invoice.
Payment Attempted If the customer’s attempt of paying an invoice hasn’t been successful and the due date is yet to come, it is marked as “payment attempted”. Once the payment is successful, an invoice in “payment attempted” state is transitioned to the “paid” state.
Past Due If an invoice is not paid by the due date mentioned in the invoice, it is marked as “past_due”.
Void When an invoice is explicitly cancelled by the Merchant, it is marked as “void”. This marks the invoice as non payable.

Issued Invoice

An issued invoice can’t be edited as it is already issued to the customer. However, it can be resent to the customer from the Merchant Portal. An unique shortened url is generated as part of the issued invoice, which can be used by the customer for online payment.

Payabbhi automatically sends invoices via email to your customers when billing_method=manual. No invoice is shared via email when billing_method=recurring.

If you have configured webhook endpoints, you will receive an invoice.issued event when an invoice is issued.

This is the final state of an invoice. The invoice is also marked as Paid. You will receive the pay out only after the invoice is paid by the customer either by recurring or manual payment mode.

If you have configured webhook endpoints, you will receive an invoice.paid event when an invoice is paid.

Past Due Invoice

Sometimes, it may happen that your customers are unable to pay outstanding amount of an invoice within the due date. If the invoice is not paid by the due date, it is marked as Past Due.

Suggestion : You may either issue a new invoice with the same payable amount and include any late payment charge, if needed or void the invoice as per your business requirement. Payabbhi doesn’t support payment of a past due invoice at this moment.

Void Invoice

If you have issued an invoice by mistake you may mark it as void before it is paid by the customer.

You may void an invoice, in some situations as mentioned below :

  • The invoice amount was incorrect.
  • The invoice was issued to a wrong customer.
  • The customer has requested for a change in the invoice.
  • The customer has cancelled the order for the service/goods.

This invoice is still maintained in Payabbhi platform and you may look up that at any point of time. It is recommended not to consider the amount of a void invoice for any accounting and reporting purpose in your system. This is the end state of any invoice.