

We understand that your customers are very important part of your business. As a Merchant, you might have customers buying goods or services from you and you might want to organize them for your convenience.

Payabbhi allows to organize and manage your customers via API and Merchant Portal both.

Customer is an integral part of billing components in Payabbhi. It is mandatory to associate a customer with the billing components like subscription, one-off invoice and invoice item.

Customers can be of two types :

  • Individual
  • Business/Company

Customer Creation

You can create a customer and save important information as name, email address, contact number, billing and shipping addresses etc.

A customer is uniquely identified by the pair of email and contact number in Payabbhi.

Customer Creation via API

Create a customer via Create Customer API.

$ curl -u access_id:secret_key \ \
  -d \
  -d contact_no=9999999999

Customer Creation via Merchant Portal

Go to Portal > Subscriptions > Customers > Add Customer and follow the steps as mentioned below:

  1. Enter name, email address, contact number of the customer.

If your customer is a company, then the email, contact number of the primary contact point of the company should be entered. You should be able to reach out to this point of contact for any operational/business related purpose.

  1. If your customer is a registered company, then enter the GSTIN of the customer.
  2. Add Billing Address of the customer if required.
  3. Add Shipping Address of the customer if required.
  4. Click on Save.

If you add Billing and Shipping address of the customer, then that will appear in the invoice generated for that customer.

Customer Update

Occasionally, you might want to add some missing information or update an incorrect information about a customer. You can do that easily from Merchant Portal and via Update Customer API.

Customer Update via API

Update a customer via Update Customer API.

$ curl -u access_id:secret_key -X PUT \ \
  -d \
  -d contact_no=1234567890

Customer Update via Merchant Portal

Go to Portal > Subscriptions > Customers and follow the steps as mentioned below:

  1. Click on “Edit” button on a selected Customer

  2. You may edit the name /email address /contact number /gstin/billing and shipping address anything as per your need.

  3. Click on Save.

Customer Management

Payabbhi allows you to manage your customers easily on the go. Just access your account either programmatically via API or via Portal > Subscriptions > Customers.

Customer Search and Filter

Customer search operation is available via Portal > Subscriptions > Customers as well as via API.

Business Benefit: This may help you in answering customer queries or getting insights for your business operation functions.

Customer Search

You may search customers by Customer ID or Customer’s email.

Customer Detail

As soon as you save a customer or when you select a customer, you’ll be able to see the customer details page. This page displays the detail information of a customer like contact information, billing and shipping address with Edit option.