Technical Integration

Where can I find the API Reference?

Please refer to the API Reference for API documentation.

How to choose between Drop-in Checkout and Custom Checkout ?

Drop-in Checkout is typically sufficient for normal integration.

However you may want custom logic as client-side Javascript code to be executed after receiving the Payment Response from Payabbhi in form of a JS callback. In this case it is recommended to use Custom Checkout for greater programmatic control of the payment flow after completion of payment.

Do you have test cards for Checkout flow in sandbox?

Please refer to sandbox test cards.

Which error codes are returned when a payment is unsuccessful?

In case of an unsuccessful or declined payment, appropriate message is shown to the customer as part of the Checkout flow by Payabbhi and the customer remains within the Checkout component so that they can retry and complete the payment if they so wish. Hence you only need to handle the scenario when the Checkout form is canceled.

I have completed the integration, but getting an error as “Invalid Order”.

An order can be paid just once. Hence please make sure that you are passing a valid order that is not yet paid, as described in the integration guide.

Why ₹ is displayed instead of Rupee symbol in the checkout page ?

This issue is typically caused when uploading files from Windows system to Linux server. It is recommended to ensure that all files on the server are UTF-8 encoded. Reference:

I am using DotNet library. But we are getting this error while executing the sample application SuperHeroes. Can you please help?

Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Payabbhi.PayabbhiHttpWebRequest.SetErrorResponse(WebResponse response) at Payabbhi.HttpClient.createResponse(IHttpWebRequest request) at Payabbhi.HttpClient.MakeRequest(String relativeUrl, HttpMethod method, String data) at Payabbhi.HttpClient.Request(String relativeUrl, HttpMethod method, IDictionary`2 options) at Payabbhi.Order.Create(IDictionary`2 options) at SuperHeroes.Controllers.HomeController.Index()

If you use an outdated version of Visual Studio like 2013 or 2015, then due to SSL/TLS issue in Visual Studio, it is necessary to add some lines in your Application_Start method in Global.asax.cs file.

// using System.Net;
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = true;
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
// Use SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 if needed for compatibility reasons